BSCI 361 - Principles of Ecology (offered spring semesters)
Principles of Ecology is a one-semester overview of the fundamentals of ecological science, and the use of these principles to predict consequences and uncertainties associated with human-caused changes in the environment. We will examine both biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) elements of the environment that influence the distribution and abundance of organisms. The course spans topics in the areas of individual, population, community, and ecosystem ecology, as well as humanity’s effect on natural systems. syllabus
ENTM 612 - Insect Ecology (offered spring semester, odd years)
An advanced graduate course in arthropod population and community ecology, plant-insect interactions, insect biodiversity and biogeography, and applied ecological entomology, with shared emphases on both classical and current ecological & entomological literature. syllabus
ENTM 798V - Introduction to R for computation and analysis in Eco-Evo Bio
This 1-credit seminar interactively builds the fundamentals of programming in the R environment, as well as approaches for organizing, plotting, and analyzing data using R. The intended audience is graduate students interested in getting started with R for the first time, as well as students with some R experience that seek to bolster their skills. No previous experience with programming in any language is required. For the first half of the semester, the instructor leads walkthroughs and exercises building coding skills. Students develop and present topics in their own interests and using their own data for the second half. syllabus (w/ Dr. Maile Neel, Fall 2020)